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Learning and Embedding Sanctuary through Maths

Erdington Academy, Birmingham

In taking a cross-curricula approach to learning about sanctuary, Erdington Academy has developed some innovative strategies for embedding international and multi-cultural elements into its maths curriculum and using maths an opportunity to expand learning on sanctuary themes.

Work on coordinates includes finding key places relevant to pupils on a world map, temperatures in other countries are discussed in work on negative numbers, and significant buildings around the world are brought in as examples of shapes and angles, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes, perimeter, and area. Collecting and displaying of data are exemplified by looking at the structure of questionnaires and how misleading data is sometimes used in newspapers. The misleading use of terminology is also brought into learning about average and range. Different types of numbers are discussed, for example Bengali numerals. Population issues and real-world examples are used to bring fractions, decimals and percentages to life. Work on transformations includes reflections, rotational symmetry, cultural patterns, Islamic, Hindu and Maori tessellations. Cultural attitudes to gambling are discussed while learning about probability, and links between key variables and correlations can be exemplified by looking at life expectancy around the world. And not to forget simultaneous equations – these can be studied using restaurant bills and prices from local restaurants.

The EAL coordinator at Erdington Academy, also raised the maths department’s attention to the following article: Is maths really a universal language for EAL learners?Â