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Schools should use the embed process to ensure that they have put in place policies and practices that meet the needs of students who are seeking sanctuary, recognise the identities of all the students in the school community and develop a safe and inclusive culture of welcome that benefits everybody, including anyone in their community seeking sanctuary. These elements should be embedded within the fabric of school life and reflected in the school’s value and ethos.

This page outlines different resources, advice and guidance to meet the embed criteria.

The school must demonstrate how they will continue to develop and sustain a culture of welcome beyond the award. Ideally this should be linked to the school’s improvement /development plan and made clear in policy documents and induction processes.

Recognition of and participation in the annual Refugee Week or other regular celebratory events which highlight the contribution of refugees and migrants to the UK. More information about the annual event can be found here.

Commitment to supporting age-appropriate active pupil voice on sanctuary and welcome/welcoming activities in the school. For example, this might mean ensuring that your School Council or other student-led groups are actively involved in the process of working towards recognition.