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To become a School of Sanctuary, schools must demonstrate how they share their values and activities with their local communities, extending the welcome of people seeking sanctuary beyond the school gates. This might involve raising awareness of forced displacement and the challenges facing people seeking sanctuary amongst the wider school and local community, connecting with a local refugee-support organisation to see the ways in which the school can further the work they do, getting involved in campaigns to make the UK a more welcoming place for people seeking sanctuary and supporting the wider Schools of Sanctuary network.

This page outlines different resources, advice and guidance to meet the embed criteria.

A public commitment to the City of Sanctuary vision of welcome, including the endorsement of the City of Sanctuary charter which can be done via signing the City of Sanctuary organisation pledge.

This pledge should be included on the school’s website and in a public space in the school. Some local City of Sanctuary groups have their own pledge and therefore Schools would be encouraged to sign these pledges if appropriate.

  • Schools can develop a webpage where they state how they intend to develop their practice around sanctuary and what their priorities are in their journey to becoming a School of Sanctuary. This can also be shared in their newsletter and/or on social media.

The school publicly highlights its activities in support of welcome and inclusion.

NB. Once a school has achieved a sanctuary award, we expect schools to include the Schools of Sanctuary logo and a link to the Schools of Sanctuary web page on their website.

Schools can meet this criterion by:

  • Sharing their activities and efforts on social media and/or with the local press.
  • Getting involved and support campaigns.
  • Having a display about sanctuary on the school gates/ wall
  • Collaborating with local refugee support organisations to provide practical support: students can volunteer their time, send welcome cards, fundraise or find other ways to support the local organisation.

Commitment to on-going engagement with the Schools of Sanctuary stream.

This may include sharing resources, ideas and achievements via the school’s website or the national City of Sanctuary website, and/or with other local/regional schools.

Schools can meet this criterion by:

  • Developing a case study around an area of best practice for the Schools of Sanctuary website.
  • Sharing resources and ideas on the jisc mailing list.
  • Speaking about Schools of Sanctuary in the media.
  • Sharing your schools’ efforts and the importance of Schools of Sanctuary within you multi-academy trust and/or school-faith network.
  • Supporting schools in your local area with their applications to being a School of Sanctuary.
  • Donating or fundraising for Schools of Sanctuary.