Any school is welcome to join our network and, in areas where we have a Local Lead, schools can engage with a rigorous and supportive award process to be formally recognised as a School of Sanctuary. See our Local Lead Network.
If there isn’t currently a Local Lead in your area, we still suggest starting the process and sign the supporting organisation pledge to be linked to all the resources and support we offer nationally and so you are the first to know if/when a Local Lead emerges in your area.
Become a School of Sanctuary
Sign the City of Sanctuary organisational pledge to affirm your commitment to the vision of welcome for all in your school and in the UK more widely. This takes less than two minutes and is one of the eight minimum criteria to become a School of Sanctuary.
We ask that every school offers a donation – at least £50 for primary schools and nurseries and £75 for secondary schools. Unlike other award schemes, the Schools of Sanctuary programme and award have no fee and we offer all our resources, opportunities and support for free – but we rely on every school’s support to secure the future of the programme. If your school can also develop fundraising activities, or is able to donate annually this will make a big difference in helping us to plan for the future.
On signing the pledge, you will be contacted in the following weeks to be linked to your Local Lead or main contact at City of Sanctuary UK. This will be the person who oversees your appraisal process and can offer support and signpost to different opportunities. You should note that different areas manage the appraisal process slightly differently – get in touch plenty of time in advance to learn about the local arrangements.
You should also register for the School of Sanctuary newsletter, the regular mailing list and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest events and resources.
Review what your school already has in place or has done to date to meet the award criteria (consider using the Schools of Sanctuary self-assessment tool to help you reflect on relevant areas of practice and identify areas for improvement). Use ideas from the resource pack, newsletter and case studies for inspiration.
Review the application guidance to learn about expectations for a completed application and look at example applications for further help.
Submit an application and supporting evidence portfolio to your Local Lead or Schools of Sanctuary contact*.
Typically an appraisal process includes an application review, sharing feedback and then a follow-up visit or meeting to hear from staff, students and parents and to clarify any queries or questions about the application.
Please note: we do not accept spontaneous application submissions – you should liaise with your Local Lead with plenty of time in advance to agree a suitable submission date.
Once awarded, share the news on the school website, social media and through local news outlets. Invite local dignitaries to the award celebration and explain why being a School of Sanctuary is important to you. Review your application feedback and continue to engage and share your activities in preparation for reaccreditation after three years.